Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Interview Day

Confusion, worried are in my mind now after did the 2nd interview today. All seems pretty well a week ago but now, it was the opposite situation. Maybe because the interviewer has a higher position than the other one? I do not know. Well, I just need to wait for the next 24 hours whether I get the job or not. Plus, I have been asked to be in a design team in his company. That makes me do design again while I am hoping to be in marketing team. But yeah if I am in the design team, I will take it anyway. So now, the only thing I can do is pray, pray and pray. I really want to work in here.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Second Blog Account

Thanks to my bad memory, finally I created my 2nd blog account
Well, I should better remember this one like forever.

Anyway, very much has happened in quite some time since I made my first blog. However, this time I will tell you about the interview I had spent on Wednesday, July 21, 2010.

I feel happy, excited, confused, worried, all into one feeling while waiting for an interview time comes. The first funny incident happened when I was interviewed via telephone. when I knew his name, I thought he was an Indian when he mentioned his name.
But when I saw him in the office, I was stoned. he actually looks like japs to me, but he said he is Korean.