Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Big Moment

November 22, 2010 was a big moment for me. What I have been waiting all this long was coming at last. Having a job overseas is like a dream come true. Singapore... yes, Singapore is where I am working currently.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I have been through some recent events.
Maybe is a right word to use right now for me.

Maybe ... dumb ...
Maybe ... wrong ...
Maybe ... right ...
Maybe ... best ...

It is funny, handing my situation in one word
But the fact remains ...

Maybe ... still a big question

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Interview Day

Confusion, worried are in my mind now after did the 2nd interview today. All seems pretty well a week ago but now, it was the opposite situation. Maybe because the interviewer has a higher position than the other one? I do not know. Well, I just need to wait for the next 24 hours whether I get the job or not. Plus, I have been asked to be in a design team in his company. That makes me do design again while I am hoping to be in marketing team. But yeah if I am in the design team, I will take it anyway. So now, the only thing I can do is pray, pray and pray. I really want to work in here.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Second Blog Account

Thanks to my bad memory, finally I created my 2nd blog account
Well, I should better remember this one like forever.

Anyway, very much has happened in quite some time since I made my first blog. However, this time I will tell you about the interview I had spent on Wednesday, July 21, 2010.

I feel happy, excited, confused, worried, all into one feeling while waiting for an interview time comes. The first funny incident happened when I was interviewed via telephone. when I knew his name, I thought he was an Indian when he mentioned his name.
But when I saw him in the office, I was stoned. he actually looks like japs to me, but he said he is Korean.